Show HN: A complete re-thinking of the desktop productivity app

Show HN: A complete re-thinking of the desktop productivity app We created Slash ( after realizing that todo list apps are hopelessly broken. They're great at making lists, but offer you no help in crossing them off. In fact, they often create even more stress when you're staring at a list 100 items longs. Slash is a task "do-er" that helps you CRUSH your list by focusing on one task at a time. Quickly enter your tasks, hit 'Start', and the window shrinks down to a small always-on-top window that shows your current task and how long you've been working on it. When you're done, hover over the task name and click 'Done'. Then you get a random ""You're awesome"" GIF, and the option to start the next task, or take a break. The idea is that you create your list once in the morning, and then never have to choose what to do next. It also bakes in a ton of other productivity tools like: - Pomodoros (20-30 minute work periods with 5 minute breaks) - Eisenhower Matrix (Tagging tasks as urgent/important for automatic prioritisation) - Timed Tasks (Type in 'Do _______ for 20 minutes' and the task will start with a 20 minute countdown) - Time Tracking (Check out the analytics dashboard to see what you spent the most time on, your most productive days + hours, etc) - Integrations with Trello, Asana, Todoist, etc. -- Coming soon! (Import your tasks from a list app, and get them done in Slash) Our mission is to help people get more done, and actually move closer to their dreams. We'd love your feedback to help us better the app and enable a world of smaller todo lists :) P.S. If you like the app, we'd love an upvote on Product Hunt! November 20, 2019 at 07:57PM
