Show HN: SeekWell Stories – Write data-driven narratives with SQL

Show HN: SeekWell Stories – Write data-driven narratives with SQL Mike from SeekWell here. We built Stories to help people easily write rich narratives about their data using SQL. The inspiration comes from years of sifting thru reports, dashboards and spreadsheets to find data points that then need to be manipulated and plugged into update emails. SeekWell lets you pipe SQL results into templates and automatically publish the results on a schedule (e.g. daily @ 7 AM). The results can be distributed via email, Slack, or in SeekWell Docs. Stories are great for short regular updates (e.g. daily metrics) or alerts (e.g. a canceled subscription). We currently support Postgres, MySQL, MS SQL, Snowflake. You can also pipe values from Google Sheets into Stories. Give it a shot and let us know what you think! App - Docs - March 5, 2020 at 04:44PM
