Show HN: Automated investing ecosystem

Show HN: Automated investing ecosystem Hi there. This is a follow up to my previous Show HN post, which was published 9 months ago: New version: I built a company that provides algorithmic trading strategies and financial data resources for its users to invest with. --> Advice and feedback are very much welcomed! Disclaimer: New born business with its second beta version (19 users) currently live. Whats new since: - Users can connect to multiple brokerage accounts (currently just Alpaca brokerage account's) - Now the business is a fee based business. Similar to Heroku's business model. Developers can charge hourly fees for the use of their products (algorithms or data resources). - Now anyone can publish trading signals, connect to as many brokerage accounts as they want, subscribe to live financial data resources and scale the complexity of their investment intelligence and decision making as much as they want. Other details : - Fully functional platform - I'm the sole developer and founder - I've been working on the product full-time for 6 months total, iterating based on feedback received - Currently only certified financial advisors can publish publicly accessible algorithms and charge fees. For publishing financial data on the other hand, anyone can publish them publicly and charge a fee for them. - I'm not sure where to go from here in terms of raising capital and building alliances, as well as onboarding new users (both developers and investors) - One of my aims is creating a good enough ecosystem so as to focus on onboarding retail investors and simplifying their investing experience to the limit. P.S. Currently available and applying for jobs as a developer. Thank you January 25, 2023 at 12:31AM
